Dear colleagues,

We would like to express our great pleasure to invite you to the International Scientific Conference, ETC 8, entitled DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION IN BUSINESS AND PUBLIC MANAGEMENT, IN AN EVER-CHANGING WORLD , to be held on the 10th -11th November 2022, in Bacau, Romania.

The purpose of the Conference is to create a framework to facilitate the transfer of the results of scientific research to the economic and administrative environment and a relevant dialogue between the academic environments, representatives of the private environment and of the public administration to identify possible solutions to current challenges.

We believe that this international conference will be an important and significant event that will provide the participants with many opportunities for dialogue which will stimulate the emerging of new ideas and new projects for our common future, contributing to a better understanding of the changes and challenges facing the modern world, as well as the global responsibility that we all share.

We look forward to welcoming you in Bacau in November 2022!

Take your invitation from here.